Innovation professional services

Innovation Unplugged: Moving Beyond Operational Tech in Professional Services Innovation

True innovation in professional services must go beyond embracing new technologies in a firm's own operations. Find out…

Branding your strategy: how CMOs can lead with a big organising idea

A good strategy needs an big idea to give it the spark of life. This article explains why CMOs should help with this.

Client value proposition

From promise to practice: bringing your Client Value Proposition to life in pitches

Demonstrating a compelling Client Value Proposition (CVP) is an essential part of your brand strategy.

From Big Four to Bulge Bracket: How category brands shape the professional services industry

Category brands are everywhere in the elite professional services market. However, their value and impact are often…

Generic to genius: strong PSF brands are 2-300% more profitable

Firms with strong brands are 2-300% more profitable than firms with similar capabilities, serving similar clients from…

American law firm in London

An American Law Firm in London

What are the branding issues for American law firms in the London market?

Brand differentiation

Brand differentiation in professional services

Brand differentiation is a tricky topic because many firms feel that they offer near-identical services to their peers.…

Make brand your bridge between marketing and strategy

How to make your brand the bridge between your day-to-day marketing activities and your firm's strategic marketing…

Law firm branding

Navigating the complexities of law firm branding: strategies and tips

Law firm branding – how firms manage their image and reputation – is an increasingly important part of strategy. Here's…

Global elite law firm brands

Big Law – the future Global Elite brands

After many years of hesitancy, the race to become one of the undisputed global elite law firm brands is now on.

users and choosers

Users & Choosers: Balancing both in professional services branding

A professional service firm's brand needs to be strong in two domains – users and choosers – one is often overlooked.……

Brand is demand

Brand: The Key to 50%+ Profitability

The brand of a premium professional services firm drives more than 50% of its profitability. Manage it carefully.

2023 Global Top 50 Law Firm Brands Index

2023 Global Top 50 law firm brands + a decade of change

Principia's 2023 Global Top 50 Law Firm Brands Index focuses on the changes in brand rankings over the last decade and…

Symbols & substance – great brands do both

Brand symbols are powerful, and CMOs are uniquely qualified to create and nurture them to project what their firm…

Strategic brand positioning for professional service firms

Strategic brand positioning for B2B and professional service firms

Or how to win before the tender is even called.

Brand is Culture. Culture is Brand.

The inextricable link between brand and culture for law firms, professional service firms, and knowledge-intensive B2B…

professional services branding

Branding is easy. Partnerships are hard.

As CMO of a professional services firm, do you see branding as an opportunity to put marketing at the heart of the…

Brand architecture

Why brand architecture gives CMOs a headache – and how relieve the pain

Brand architecture is market signposting. It helps clients navigate and make sense of a professional service firm's…

Challenger brands in professional services and B2B

Challenger brands are relatively rare in professional services and B2B – despite conditions being ripe for many firms…

The magic of a mass-niche strategic brand positioning

A mass-niche positioning can be a potent way for an elite professional services firm or knowledge-intensive B2B…