December 5, 2023
Brand: The Key to 50%+ Profitability
The brand of a premium professional services firm drives more than 50% of its profitability. Manage it carefully.
November 27, 2023
2023 Global Top 50 law firm brands + a decade of change
Principia's 2023 Global Top 50 Law Firm Brands Index focuses on the changes in brand rankings over the last decade and…
November 6, 2023
Strategic brand positioning for B2B and professional service firms
Or how to win before the tender is even called.
August 28, 2023
Brand is Culture. Culture is Brand.
The inextricable link between brand and culture for law firms, professional service firms, and knowledge-intensive B2B…
August 1, 2023
Branding is easy. Partnerships are hard.
As CMO of a professional services firm, do you see branding as an opportunity to put marketing at the heart of the…
July 25, 2023
Why brand architecture gives CMOs a headache – and how relieve the pain
Brand architecture is market signposting. It helps clients navigate and make sense of a professional service firm's…
July 17, 2023
Challenger brands in professional services and B2B
Challenger brands are relatively rare in professional services and B2B – despite conditions being ripe for many firms…
June 20, 2023
ESG. Brand differentiator or qualifier?
Firms need to be strategic about ESG branding to avoid confusing differentiation with qualification.
June 6, 2023
Law firm brands & New York. If you can make it there…
In law firm branding, 'big in New York' counts for a lot. Fortunes have been won and lost attempting it.
May 29, 2023
The power of key messages
From philosophy to business, if you want to communicate your brand story in a way that cuts through the clutter, key…
May 16, 2023
Personal branding for partners
As CMO how can you help partners who are brilliant technicians, but not yet brilliant marketers, develop their personal…
April 24, 2023
Brand ranking the Am Law 100: 2023 + a decade of change
Our latest brand rankings of the Am Law 100 firms show that over a more extended period, there are some big risers and…
April 19, 2023
Brands within brands – macro and micro
In professional services, brands must work on a macro and micro level. How to do both well without getting tied in…
April 3, 2023
How thought leadership drives brand reputation
In a digital-first environment, thought leadership's role in building brand reputation has grown fast; but what is it,…
March 27, 2023
Branding is a whole-firm sport
Branding can be superficial. But, if it is only skin deep, it's not going to be transformative.
March 22, 2023
Purpose is dead. Long live purpose.
Two years ago, brand purpose was the hottest show in town. Today it's tumbleweed. What happened? Did we stop caring?
February 22, 2023
The 3 ingredients of every successful brand
Every successful brand that has ever been, or ever will be, is made up of the same three ingredients: truths, wants and…
February 14, 2023
Brand communications. Talking to the hand.
90% of the market probably knows little to nothing about your firm. What an opportunity!
November 8, 2022
Strategy: from wish list to to-do list
In professional services, strategy is often seen as a wish list rather than a to-do list by those inside the firm. A…
June 22, 2022
Brand identity matters
We live in a highly visual world, so when it comes to communicating the proposition of a professional services firm,…