Specialists in a world of generalists

In the premium legal market, a few firms have swum against the tide and overtly positioned themselves as super-focused…

Differentiating through brand experience

Professional service firms can build their brand reputation by studying how the best consumer brands deliver innovative…

Brand tone of voice

How to define brand tone of voice

It's not just what you say, it's how you say it. Tone of voice is the yin to the yang of key messages when it comes to…


A (very) concise history of branding.

The 'art of branding’ has become more sophisticated over time as brands have evolved from products to services and…

brand experience

Brand differentiation on Zoom?

Brand differentiation is harder to project in a virtual world. What does that mean for client experience?

Branding: Sometimes it really is rocket science

Two learnings from the new space race for other knowledge-led businesses staying on the ground.

Disruptor or disrupted?

These days if you're not a disruptor brand, then you're almost certainly being disrupted. Some of the disrupted have…

World’s Top 50 ‘US’ Law Firm Brands 2020

Our new analysis and rankings of the Top 50 US law firm brands. Snapshot of performance before the virus hit.

Leading into the economic storm

CMOs can best help their firms in the coming downturn by forcing groups to rethink, refresh and reinvent their…

UK Top 20 Law Firm Brand Index | 2019

Linklaters retains top spot in UK law firm brand index. Magic Circle firms continue to dominate the rankings but are…

Global Top 50 Law Firm Brands 2019

Kirkland and Latham retain their positions as the world's most valuable law firm brands closely followed by Skadden.

Brand engagement and the problem of ‘negative time’

How do you communicate with people who don't just have little time available, they have negative time?

It’s time to dress down (again)

The nifty aphorism, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes," usually attributed to Mark Twain, aptly applies to…

The idea factories

Why big tech and consulting firms are investing billions in innovation & learning hubs.

Law Firm Brands | US Top 50 2019

Ranking the 50 most prestigious US-headquartered firms by their 'global partnership profits' gives a rigorous and…

Brand engagement

7/8 How to think about…Brand Engagement

Studies show that proper internal engagement with what a brand stands for and is aiming to deliver to customers and…

Brand purpose

6/8 How to think about…Brand Purpose

Professional service firms are starting to think about the concept of brand purpose as a way to better engage with…


4/8 How to think about… Differentiation

Nurturing brand differentiation in professional services is a critical but subtle business. The key is to separate…

Grown-ups for start-ups

Some of the biggest professional service firms in the world are making concerted efforts to woo some of the smallest…

Our Vision

The world doesn’t really need a 501st generalist branding consultancy; but there is a big need for expertise and…